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Something interesting which I’m sure all of us being serious about this won’t fall for :slight_smile:

Ha, excellent! I love me some academic rigour (with a healthy side portion of snarking at the ‘ancient aliens’ crowd)

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It is quite remarkable the number of people who do still hang on to the old stuff. I have to admit I have on occasion, though I try and keep as current as I humanly can but its hard work. :slight_smile:

Don’t get me started on the ancient aliens lot. I’m on the verge of leaving a couple of FB groups because they seem to keep at it.

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My pet peeve of the moment is the contingent of Kemetic-flavoured pagans who insist Egyptologists are some combination of wilfully and irretrievably stupid and/or a dark and sinister cabal whose sole purpose is to hide The Truth™ from us all. This cohort and the ancient aliens crew tend to have a lot of overlap, though.

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They also tend to feel they have deeper knowledge than those that have spent their life looking at evidence. Hey ho. The world is full of varied souls :slight_smile:

Came across this interesting site for free published research:


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Just released this video of a talk I did back in July on the subject of how I combine Kemetism and Chaos magic:

Great, I’ll give that a watch when I can. Sounds interesting!


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Thanks for that Kev. A lot of interesting stuff there!

I thought your visualised temple work was inspiring. Also liked your use of chat bot technology with ritual! Very inventive.

I don’t know how my practices will develop, but I think continuing to learn more about Heka is the next stage for me.

I’d like to learn more about different Kemetic forms of communication with deities.

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LOL Thanks

OK Will keep that in mind in my travels!

I’m finding this YouTube Channel helpful. She’s done a lot of ‘how to’ guides and kemetic services. I think it’s a good channel for newbies. She seems to have done a lot of research.

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Ah now I’ve seen it yes, I think that looks like Sharon, the FB group is ‘Kemetic Reform’.

Yes, that’s the one! I didn’t notice that she had an FB groups thanks :grinning:

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