Pagan events UK

Hi all,

Do any of you go to pagan events in the UK?

If so, what ones and are they any good?

Do you recommend any?

I’d love to know if there are any good ones. I’ve been tempted to “just” turn up at stonehenge at some solstice or other…

Well if you happen to find any good ones, let me know!

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If there were more of us that I knew were local I would invite them to join me in making offerings at the local burial mound…

It is currently quite a lonely path aside from online interactions. Although I have had a few men approach me in the street to compliment my “key of life” or obviously Kemetic, African and Sem inspired attire, which is nice. :slight_smile:

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It does seem to be a mostly solitary path. I’m not sure how bothered the Netjeru are about people forming/attending groups. At least in my case I don’t feel like they’ve been guiding me in that direction. I’m part of social groups elsewhere.

I like reading the Kemetic posts on Reddit, although I don’t comment often.


I have a strong impression that our disunity is the result of Isfet, although there is also the reality of polyvalent beliefs to consider.

Probably the biggest example of this that I encounter is the lack of unity of calendar and festivals. For almost all of the timespan of Ancient Egypt there was one civil calendar, nothing based on observing heliacal risings, or local conditions, but a centralised and unifying force. This feels like Ma’at.

There are certainly other elements like this, most obviously the existence and recognition of Kings, where having multiple was clearly considered to be problematic, and associated with troubled times, whereas the unity of the Two Lands considered to be in accordance with Ma’at.

It is a tough road ahead in that regard. We live in the longest intermediate period. :stuck_out_tongue: