Hathor: A reintroduction to an Egyptian Goddess, by Leslie Jackson

I came across this book on Amazon, whilst reconsidering my relationship with Hathor.

I find the author’s style to be clean and simple, yet replete with meaningful references that can be readily followed up.

There are also a few translations that aided me in filling out my knowledge of Kemetic language with a few more words, and more precise meanings.


This book has been recommended before along with others, by our own @kev no less. That being said… I think its worth highlighting this author’s work again, for the meticulous attention to detail, and respect shown for the tradition in her works.

I have read some others from this author, and they were also suitably descriptive and insightful.

I continue to subscribe to Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited and have been using it to explore many more books. They aren’t paying me to promote them, but I would highly recommend the service if you enjoy a good, Kemetic themed read, and have the spare change.


Thank you, I was wondering whether to get that one as also reconnecting with Het-Her.

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